Micro Estimating - Sales Representative application form

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Basic Information

Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
LinkedIn Profile

Professional Background

Upload Your Resume
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Upload Your Cover Letter
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Describe your experience in B2B sales, particularly in the software or manufacturing industry.
What sales tools and CRM systems are you familiar with? Please describe your level of expertise with
Have you used Apollo.io or LinkedIn for prospecting? If so, please provide details.
Describe a successful sales strategy you have implemented in the past. What were the results?

Skills and Qualifications

What motivates you to succeed in sales?
How do you stay organized and manage your sales pipeline?
Describe a time when you had to learn a new technology or product to improve your sales efforts. How
How do you handle rejection and stay motivated?
What methods do you use to build and maintain relationships with customers?

Situational Questions

Describe a challenging sales situation you faced and how you resolved it.
How do you prioritize your leads and sales activities?
Give an example of how you have collaborated with marketing, product, or support teams to close a sa
Explain how you would approach a potential customer who has never heard of our products before.

Additional Information

Why are you interested in this Sales Representative role at Micro Estimating Systems?
What do you know about our products and how do you think they benefit manufacturers?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your qualifications or experience?


When are you available to start
Are you willing to travel for this position? If yes, how much travel are you comfortable with? *


I consent to my information being stored for the purposes of this job application. *